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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.3
page 311
s#fo extremely bad, with high wind, rain and fnow } and in this miferably diftrefling plight they remain* cd for fix days.
When the prince and his lords found . the Spa* jiiards make no advances to offer them battle, and that their diftrefs was great where they were, they Jield a council, and refolved to feek elfewhere for a paffage over the JEbro. They therefore decamped, jand took the road towards Navarete, through a countty called la Guardia, which having paffed, they came to a town called Viana. There thç prince, the duke of Lancafter, the earl of Armag-nac and the other lords, halted two days, to refrelh themfelves. They then croffed the river which «fi» vides Caftiile from Navarre, at the bridge of Lo-grono, in the midft of gardens and olive trees*. They found there £ richer country than that which they had left j but even here they were much dît treffed fpr want of provifion. 1
When king Henry was told that the prince and his army had croffed the Ebro at the bridge of Lo-jgrono, he left St. Miguel, where he had kept his quarters for a long time, advanced to Najéra upon the fame river, and there encamped. News was foon brought to the prince of king Henry s ap-proach. This gave him great joy ; and he faid aloud ; * By St. George, this baftard proves himfelf a valiant knight, from the defire he fhews to meet us in battle. We fhall certainly foon fee each other j for we cannot fail doing fo much longer.*
He then fummoned his brother, the duke of lancafter, and fome other barons of his council ' - who
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