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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.3
page 382
contrary, either by fraud, malice, or by any hind* lande whatever. And if there fhould be any per* îmm in the two before-mentioned kingdoms of France and England who fhall be rebellious, ^nd not cottfenting to the aforefaid treaties, the two aforefaid kings together fliail ufe every exertion of body*, fortune and friends, to bring the aforefaid rebels into true obedience, according to the form and tenor, of the aforefaid treaty. And withal the two aforefaid kings will fubmit themfeives and their kingdoms tp the coercion of our holy father the pope, in order that he may conftrain by ecclefiafti-cal cenfures, or other proper means, him who ihall %e rebellious, according to what (hall be thought *eafonable. And among the fecurities and aflur-ances aforefaid, the two kings ihall renounce fo^r themfeives and their heirs, upon their faith and Oath, all wars and a&ions of war : and if through difbbedience, rebellion or power of fome of the fubje&s of the kingdom of France, or through any other juft caufe, the king of France ihall not be able to accomplifh and fulfil all the things aforefaid, the king of England aforefaid, his heirs and king-dom, or any of them, ihall not make war, nor caufe war to bç made upon the aforefaid king of France, nor upon his heirs nor kingdom ; but both together ihould unite and exert themfeives in bring-ing back the aforefaid rebels to their proper obe-dience, and to the fulfilling the aforefaid things. And alfo, if in the aforefaid kingdom, and under the obedience of the king of England, there ihould be any not willing to furrender and give up thofe
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