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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.3
page 391
liealthi Whereas feveral prekteà, bardns, knîghtg* iinivénities, fraternities and colleges of the country and diftriâ of Gafcony, refiding and inhabiting tipcai the borders of our realm, together with many others from the country and duchy of Acquitaine* have come before us, in our court, to claim juftice for certain grievances and unjuft oppreflions which you, through weak counfel and foollfh advice, have been induced to do to them, and at which we are much aftoniihed. Therefore, in order to obviate and remedy fuch things, we do take cognisance of their caufe, infomuch that we, of our royal majefty and fovereignty, order and command you to appear In our city of Paris in perfon* and that you (hew and prefent yourfelf before us, in our chamber of peers, to hear judgment pronounced upon the aforefaid complaints and grievances done by you to your fubjeâs, who claim to be heard, and to have the jurifdi&ion of our court. Let there be no delay in obeying thisfummons, but fet out as fpeedilyas pot fible after having heard this order read. In witnefs Whereof, we have affixed our feai to thefe prefent*. Given at Paris, the 25th day of January, 1369/
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