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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.4
page 129
t|c king ofNjy^rtp bjid |îvcfj him, and where h| died. Gocf have mprcy on jiis foul ! for wjiijft he Ived and remaiped in the wprld he was a mpft ya-liant knight* -
Nearly at tfijs jferiod^ fir Raymond de ^|arneilj who hfd changed his party from the |£ngli(h tq the French, wa§ 'rectum* f° ^s owR cpj^prry frp^| Pafis, when fie met with a difagrpeafyle accident. Qp his roadf he encountered a body pf Engjifhj kelpnging tp fjie forces x of fir Hujh Calverley^ cpmmanc|ed by a knight of Poitou^ and came fo fuddenly apipnjg; then} that he cpuic| not efc$pve : he iffs thi^s tfkep, and carried prifonef tp the came^ t%e fcpigftt if Poitou. Tfye capture of fir J%f 2 morçd yp ^qpwn ii? Epgjand, ' and capîe to the king's Jc^pwJedjge^ jvhp immediately wrpte to the Jcni^t, pr^eriç^ jtiim to that enemy an*}
tra#pr % JjUympAd de Marneil direftly tp En^? l#id, pjp fM1?? He woijijd wreak fych Vfi^ancç that Jt .fhoi^d fejy;e |s fa example toallpther^ and that he would pf y fr\m fm thpufpd francs for jji.i? ffnfàm, QepffiJ. d'Argerjçpn, wh? tad t$*epiir j[layu?P,tid, waf not willing 9? difpbey thç pnfors $f bip foyereîgç apd lord, and rejpli^cd he ypujd pun&y&Uy follpw his ^^fipds. '
£ir Raymond de Marpeil jvas inforipçd that thç KipÇ of England wilhed # haye Ms perfoe, aod ||d fent orders to tjhat cfÇçft j aqd plfo that fir (Jeqffry va? 4cternpÂf}çd fo pbey hpi. )3e was therefore spore glared thapeyer,^ pot Yflthoyt repfpn. He fcgan to tpt$er .in h^ prifon the ropft piteou^ fHPins, infçmiiçh ' |h|t t|e pcrfon who I 3 guarded
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