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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.4
page 239
The inhabitants of la Roche * fur Yon, being the fartheft offfrom any affiftance* and furroUnded on all fides, entered into a capitulation, that if they were not fuccoured within one month, the garrifon would march out, and deliver up the Caftle tsfrthe king of France. ** * •
The lord de Cliflbn and thé other lords returned at the appointed day; and, when no reinforce-ments appeared to raife the fiege, the caftle furren-de red, and the Englilh, under the paffpotts of the tord de Pons, marched away for Bourdeaux *.'
After this, fir Oliver de Cliflbn and the others who had been at this conqUeft, marched to Derval, whither they had caufed large machines and en-gines to be brought. To this fiege of Derval came the conftable of France, the duke of Bour-bon, the counts d'Alehçon and du Perche,-with numbers of the knights and barons of France, for they found they were only lofing their time before Breft. Two thoufand, however,, remained behind^ who built a block-houfe in fuch a fituation that no one could enter Breft to reinforce or re-vi&ual it.
Sir Hugh Brock and the garrifon in Derval, feeing themfelves attacked by fuch a force, were alarmed left they Ihould be taken by ftorm, and propofed a treaty for a truce of two months ; and if within that time they were not relieved by the duke of Brittany, or others in fufficient force to keep the field, to raife the fiege and to combat the
* My MS. mentions fir Robert Grenacres as governor of la Roche fur Yon.
Q 2 " French,
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