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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.4
page 256
nefs was finifhed, tod tine Burgurtdians mi French
had left the field; ' "
The Englilh knew not where to feck the French.
• Thus paled this aâion, according to the in-formation I have received, near to Soucy in the Soiftbnnois, the 20th September, 1363.
After thefe two encounters at Ribemont and Soucy, nothing further befel the duke * of Lan-cafter and his army that is worth mentioning. They marched through various narrow paftes and defiles, butlceptin clofeand good order. The conn-cil of the king of France therefore faid to him ; c Let them go : by their fmoke alone they cannot deprive you of your kingdom : they will be tired fooni and their force will diffolve away,.for as ftorms and tempefts appear fometimes in tremen-dous forms over a whole country, yet they diffi-pate of themfelves, and no eflèntial h«"m happens* thus will it, befal thefe Englifh/
- 244
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