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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.4
page 280
itiitfbrcfcd it with -every thing œcd&uy. The dttke indthe EngKJk befieged this'tow»*
When the garrifon of St. Sauveur le Vicomte heard that the duke of Brittany and 'the Englifh lords were arrived in Brittany, they expcâed them tô come and raife their fiege i which they much defirod, for they were greatly ftraitened by the engines, which day and night caft ftones into the caftle, fo that they knew not where to retire m avcM them. Having caBeà a comeft, they re-fbhred to make overtures » the French lords, m obtain a truce for fix weeks, until Eafter 1375 ; and pmpofed, &at if within that rime there (houtd flfcttome any relief, which might be fefficient to offer battle and raife the fiege, they would fur-render themfelves, their lives and fortunes iefag fparcd, arid the fortnefs fhotrld be given up to the king of France. This treaty went off, and the fiege continued i but no harm was further done to thofe of St. Sauveur, for the beficgers and gamfott were both ina&ive.
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