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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.4
page 319
the GREATER part OF his mm at afrffis were in the field i in particular, the conftable of France, in whom he had the greatcft confidence i he fet out ffom ToûlôUfe, and cook the direft road to Ber-gerac* Sir Perducas d'Albret was governor of the place : he refided in a final caftle, a fiiort league from Languedoc, called Moueux, which is a ftrong fort. f
The duke of Anjou and his army marched until they came before Bergerac, when they encamped themfèlves all around it, and as near the river as poflible for the greater cafe of themfelves and their horfes. , Many great barons were with the duke : in the firft place, fir John d'Armagnac, with a large troop ; the conftable of France with another large body i the lord Louis de Sancerrc, fir John de Bueil, fir Peter de Bueil, fir Evan of Wales, fir Maurice de Trifiquidi (who had formerly'been one of the thirty knights on the French fide at the duel in Brittany), fir Alain de Beaumont, fir Alain de la HbuSaye, firWilliam and fir Peterde Mornay, fir John de Vers, fir Baldwin Cremoux, TMbaut du Pont, Hciiot de Calais, and many other able men at apms with large companies. They en-camped themfelves to a great extent in thofe fine meadows along the river Dordonne, fo that it was a great plcafure to look at them.
The conftable was lodged very hear to the quar-ters of the duke. Thofe companions who were defirous of advancing themfelves frequently came to the barriers to fldrmifh : many of whom were
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