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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.4
page 335
believe fuch tales fo lightly told. They replied, they would willingly undertake ' to fpeak to. the duke, who told them he fhould be very happy to find the contrary true to what he had heard* The affair remained in this ftate, and the fiege of Sauveterre continued.
. The town of Sâuvfeteme held out only for three days ; for the knight who was governor furren-dered it to the duke, on condition of himfelf, his troops, with their fortunes, being fpared. By "làcfe means they • marched and came 1 before * St. Bazile, a good town, #hich immediately ror-rendered, and put itfdf ubder the. ûbeikàcé of the king of France* . t. - .
Thcy then advanced to Montfcgur*,; which they attacked on their arriva], but did not gain it . oh this firft. attempt. They encamped and rc-frtftied themfelves for the* night* On the morrow, they prepared for the aflault, and thofe within, feeing they were; in carneft, began to be greatly alarmed,% and called a.; council, wherein it was at* laft determined that they would offer to Cur-render on having their Jives and. "fortunes fpared * and upon thefe term*tfaey were received. -
The French marched away td another good walled town, fituated between St. Macaire and la Réole, called Auberoche. They were four days before they could gain it, which was done by ca-pitulation* - The-Frcnch then advanced to St. Ma-caire. , .
• A Tillage faKSftfcony. ekftKra of Ltndes.
Y,i : - CEAE
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