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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.5
page 77
fwer they Wddld wife him to fend. île dîfpatched copies to Bruges, • Ypres and Courtray ; and he let out with the duke of Brittany for Ghent, where they were lodged at the poftcrn gate. He was re-ceived by the citizens with very, great joy, for at that time they were much plcafed to have him among them. When the deputies from the other towns were arrived, according to their orders, the Count had them aflembled j and John de la Faucille harangued them, in his name* on the caufe of his meeting them : he 'read to them the letters which &ad been received within the laft two months from the king of France. After thefe ' letters had been read* the earl fpoke as follows : f My children, and good people of Flanders, through God's grace, I have been for a long rime your lord : I have go-* verned you in peace as much as was in my power j and you have never feen any thing in me but a de-fire to maintain you in profperity, as a good lord fhould a£t in regard to his fubjecls. It muft be very difpleafing to me, and to you alfo who are • my faithful fubje&s, that I fhould incur the hatred of my lor4 the king, becaufe I keep with me my coufirt-german the duke of Brittany, who at this time is not in favour with the court of France ; nor, in truth, can he place any dépendance on his vaffals of Brittany, through the hatred ôf five or fix of his barons. The king infifts that I banifh him my houfé and territories, which would be very ex-traordinary. I do not fay but that if I fhould affift my coufin in oppofition to France/the king might have caufe to complain : but I have neither done fof ' • " - nor
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