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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.5
page 194
to you the banners and pennons under the carl's command : firft, the earl himfelf, and the earl of Stafford who had married bis niece, a daughter of the lord de Coucy, rode with difplayed banners | the earl of Devonfhire, ' the lord Dêfpencer who was conftable of the ^ army, the lord Fitzwalter marfhal, the lord Baflct, the lord Bourchicr, tfye lord Ferrars, the lord Morley, the lord Darcey, fir William Windfor, fir Hugh Calverley, fir Hugh Haftings and fir Hugh de la Sçnte*, advanced with their pennons -, lord Thomas Percy, fir Thomas Trivet, fir William Clinton, fir Evan de Fitzwar-ren, fir Hugh Tyrrel, the lord de la Warr, fir Éuftace and fir John de Harbefton, fir William Farringtpn, the lord de Braofe, fir William Fabre, fir John and fir Nicholas d'Ambreticourt, fir John Macé, fir Thomas Camois, fir Ralph fon to the lord Neville, fir Henry baftard of Ferrars, fir Hugh Broc, fir Geoffry. Worfeley, fir Thomas Weft, the lord de Sainéle More, David Holgrave* Huguelin de Calverley baftard, Bernard de Co-dcrieres and feveral more. ] .
Thefe men at arms rode on in handfome array, but did not march farther the day they had left Calais than to Marquife, where they halted, to Attend to their affairs, and to hold a council which road they fhould take to accomplifh their expedi-tion i for there were feveral among them who had
• De la Sente. •
. N 4 ncrer
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