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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.5
page 208
Vertus*, when there was a grand fkirmifh in front of the caftie, in which many were wounded.
The earlv of Buckingham was lodged in the abbey. During the night, the town was burnt, except the abbey, which, from the earl lodging ip it, was faved ; ojtherwife it would infallibly have fuffered the fame fate, for the townfmen had re-treated into the caftie, and would not ranfom it. The army marched off the following day, and palled by the caftie of Moymer, which is the inhe-ritance of the lord de Chaftillon. The flcirmifhers advanced to the barriers, and then paflrd on and took up their quarters for the night at Pelange, making for the city of Troyes, and the next day at Plancy fur Aubef. The lord de Chateauneuf and John de Chateauneuf his brother, with Remond St. Marfin, Gafcons, and fome Englifh, about forty fpcars in the whole, rode from the army to feek ad-ventures, but met with none, which vexed them much. On their return, they faw in the plain a body of men at arms riding towards Troyes : it was the lord de Hangeft and his men ; the Englifh and Gafcons immediately fpurncd * their horfes to come up with them. The lord de Hangeft had well obferved them, and, doubting they were in greater numbers than they appeared, faid to his menj f Make for Plancy and fave yourfelves ; for
• Vertus,—a town in Champagne, twelve leagues from Rheims. x
f Plancy fur Aube,—near Troyes. :
O J . thefe
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