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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.5
page 251
' The duke of Saxony was much pleafcd with al he faw and heard, particularly rcfpe&ing the dower : he was well fatisfied with the king, ' and his two uncles of Lancafter and Cambridge ; for the other was in France ; and alfo with the earl of Salifbury, the earl of Warwick, the earl of North-umberland, and the other lords about the perfon of the king.
When the duke had remained fome time in Eng-land, and finifhcd the bufmefs he had come upon, he took leave of the king, promifing to perfevere in the marriage to the conclufion. At his depar-ture, he received handfome prcfents of jewels for himfeif, for thofe attendant on the perfon of the emperor, and alfo for th^ ladies who had the ma-nagement of the young lady, Anne of Bohemia, the intended future queen of England. The duke returned, well pleafed, to his own country ; but this bufmefs was not immediately concluded, for the damfel was young, and the councils of each party had many things to arrange add to this, there fhordy afterward happened in England great mifery and tribulation, as you will hear recounted in this hiftory.
[The remaining part of this chapter mentions the death of fir Guifcard d'Angle, earl of Hunting-don, nearly as it has been before related.]
^IpHERE fell out about this time, in England, an ' A event that gave great difpleafurc to the earl of
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