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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.5
page 257
killed and wounded, and fir John would 'hâve been conquered, if fir Robert Knolles, who was quar-tered not far diftant,. had not armed himfeif and his men, and, with difplayed banner, advanced haftily to his affiftance. Sir William Windfor did the fame, who, having had information of what was going on, hurried thither : befides, the Englifh were now coming from all parts.
The French retreated to their boats, as they faw the neceflky of it, or elfe of rifking the event of a battle. There was much fkirmifhing on the fhorei as they reimbarked, but they departed very gal-lantly.
• The captains performed many valorous deeds ; tut,on their return to Nantes, feveral of the French were taken, flain or drowned. All who heard of this enterprize confidered it as one of great courage and ability. .
• The Englifh, finding themfclves thus conftantly attacked by the garrifon of Nantes, refolved to be .more on their guard, aod to keep a ftrifter watch. The feventh night, however, after the attack which .lC'Barr'ois had led down the river, he made another ially from the gate where thé earl of Buckingham was quartered : le Barrois had with him about two hundred men at arms and one hundred crofs-bows. .The Germans were on guard this night, under the command of fir Algars and fir Thomas de Roddes. Le Barrois, John de Chàtelmorant and de Cliflbn, with theiF men, immediately attacked this guard of Germans, when a flmrp conteft began, and many were ftruck to the earth. Thofe quartered near to
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