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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.5
page 276
William.France heard they were called upQn by the French to perform their challenges, they were much , rejoiced, and took leave of the earl and lbajjcnp *qf .England to go thither. They were ac-companied by many knights and fquires. The Englii^i ^nd French tilted very handfomely, and pj.er&çmçd their'deeds of arms as the rules re-quired. Then fir Regnaud cl£ Touars, fir THftan de ;}a J[aiU^, fir, John dé"^CMtelmprant and'the baftard .jCïarïus, . fummoned each of them his knight or 'fquire :9 tliat is to fay the lord de.Vertain, ffr John d'Àmbretucourt^'Éd\vard Beauchamp and Jannequin Clinton. _ Thefe.four were fo eager for the combat that they wifhed to go to chateau Jpfielin on the paflports of the conftablc ; but the earl of Buckingham, hearing at Vannes' the ftjm-mons from the French/ faid aloud to thé heralds ; c You will tçl} thé. conftable, from the earl of Buckingham, that he is equally powerful to grant ^ paflports to the"* French as he majT be fto grant them to the EngliÛi -, and to all thofe vho rriay wifh to perform any deeds of arms wièi his knights, oh their arrival at Vannes, he will, out'of his affec-tion to them, give paflports, and to'all who may çhoofe to accompany them,^ both for their ftayàruT for their return.' ; ... . ' [\
When'the conftablc heard this, he'inftântly per-ceived the earl was in the right, and that he want-ed to fee thofe deeds of arms : it was burrtafonable there fhould be as many performed atVânnts as had been before him at, château' Joflelin. t Thé conftablc therefore faid j '.the earlvof IJpfking-
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