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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.5
page 341
The carl of Cambridge was accompanied by many noblemen, fuch as fir Matthew Gournay con-ftablc of the army, the canon de Robefart, fir John Newcaftle, fir William Beauchamp marlhal of the army, the fouldich de PEftrade, the lord Botreaux, the lord de Charlton, fir William Helmon, fir Tho-mas Symon, .fir Nicholas Windfor, fir John Car-teret and feveral others. There were alfo men at arms to the amount of five hundred, and as many archers.
Thefe lords and. their men came to Plymouth, where they quartered themfelves and in the ad-joining villages. They loaded their veffels by little and litde s . but no horfes were to be embarked, as the voyage was too long from England to Lifbon. The Portugaefe knight was with them, intending to accompany them to his country. They remain-ed upwards, of three weeks on the coaft, getting ready their prbvifion and ft ores, and waiting foi* fa-, f durable weather.
: The duke of Lancafter continued his journey* tQwards Scotland until he came to Berwick, which m the laft town in that part of England. When ar-; rived there, he halted, and feçt a meffage to Scot-, fend to acquaint ché barons he was come thither m ride tfoç borders,! as had always been cuftomary ; and, if they were defirous of doing the fame fifft* they hfd beft to inform him of it* otheswifc be well k#cw whafc be was, to do.
v The duke's herald rode ÊO Edinburgh, whem fciqgftota:t6f Scbtlwd^Atfarliof Douglas, the C#\Q{ Mk* i tfc 4aiîl #f Motif arièUl the piwàpak
y I i x barons
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