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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.6
page 24
làft; but it {ball not go thus. Our gentlemen yrho have been at the conference may think what they will, but I have no defire to die yet The war has not lâfted half fo long as I intend it fhall; and my good mafters, John Lyon and1 William Craffok, have'not hitherto been fuffi-. cieritly avenged. If the àffairs'bé now in con-* fufion, I will trouble them {till more/
* • Peter du Bois was as good as his word, and T will fhew how. That fame evening, the morrow of which tHe council were to meet in the coun-cil-chamber, to hear the report of the deputies, he came to the houfe of Philip von Artaveld, and found him jnufing and thoughtful, leaning âgaipft a window of his apartment. Thefirft word he uttered was, c Philip, have you heard any news?' ' Nonç,' replied Philip, c except that our deputies are returned from the con-ference at Harlebecque, and that to-morrow wé
* are, to hear in the council-chamber, what they have done.1 ' That is true/ anfwered Peter ;
* b:it I know what they have done, and the terms of the treaty ; for they have opened themfelves to fome "of my friends. Be affured, Philip, that our heads will pay for all the treaties they make, or have made ; for there will not be any peace between my lord and the town, but that you, the lord de lïarzelles, myfelf, and all the captains our allies in this war, will be firft put to death, and the rich citizens pardoned. They wifli to free themfelves by delivering us up; and this was the opinion of John Lyon, my maf-ter. pdides, the earl,' our lord, has his bafe
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