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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.6
page 132
: Tearing this time, he laid a tax throughout TJanders of four groats on every fire, which wer% to be paid weekly, by^all perfons indifcripi-iiately. - Philip gained large fums by this fax, for no one was exempted. He had his ferjeants in all parts of the country, who made both rich jand poor pay it, whether they would or not,
It was faid there were upwards of a hundred thoufand men at this fiege of Oudenarde. • The Flemings drove into the river Scheld large ftakes, fo that no veffels could come from Tournay to Oudenarde, whilft they had in their army plenty of every thing neceffary* They had halls for cloth, furs and merceries ; every Saturday was the market, to whieh were brought from the ad-jacent villages all forts of groceries, fruits, ' but-ter, milk, eheefe, poultry, and other things, lâ their army thefe were taverns as plenty as at Bruflels, • where Rhenifli wines, and thofe of France, Galrigaches*, Malmfeys and other fo-xeign wines were fold cheap* Every one might jgo thither, t and pafs and repafs, without peril ; that is to fay/ thofe of, Brabant, Hainault, Ger* 'many and of Liege, but not thofe of France. -• When fir Daniel de Haluyn entered Oude-narde, he laid in all his preparations of flores and ' provifion, which were equally divided among the " garrifon, each according to a .fixed ration. - All "the horfes were fent away, and the houses near the wails pulled down, and coyered with e^rth*
f Galrigaches,—a fort of flrong-white wine, f liqueur..
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