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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.6
page 174
neton : you will break down all the bridges on the river as far as la Gerge, HafeJJes, Meure ville and Courtray, by which inean$ the French will not be ' able to pais. I. will myfelf go to Ypres, to encourage them, and to remon-ftrate with them, that as we are all united ip one common caufe, none ihould fyil or hefitate to perform what we have fworn to $o. It is not in the power of the king of France, nor thefe Frenchmen, to crofs the river _ lis and enter Flanders provided the. pafles be well guarded, for they muft follow the courfe of the river to feek for a pafiage.'
The two Peters replied, ' Philip, you fpeak well, and we ' will obey what you have ordered. But have you had any news from our people in England?' ^ 6 No, by my troth/ laid PJpKp* ' which I much wonder at. , The parliament is fitting at London, and very ftiortly we muft re-ceive intelligence from them. The king of France cannot make fuch hafte, but we fhall have received fuccows from Engi*nd, before they can do us much harm. I Jwjpe the king Qf England has iflued his fumraons, and tbpt the JJwgiiCh will arrive here fome jpigbt before we are aware/
Thus did thefe companions difcourfe fe^jpthsk who held all Flanders upder their fl|$di$w# ,«K€^p|D^dFewctrMde and Oudsnafde.
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