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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.6
page 383
tain caftles which the Englifh and pillagers held, and which did much mifchief to the country
Great numbers of battle-axes were ordered to be made in Picardy and Hainault for the expe-dition into Scotland ; and in Artois, , Lille, Douay and Tournay, much bifcuit was made, and various other flores got ready along the coaft from Harfleur to Sluys, which was the principal harbour whence this armament was intended to be embarked.
The duchefs of Brabant, widow of Wincef-Jaus duke of Bohemia, by whofe death fhe had •loft a companion and much comfort, which had caufed her great grief, refided with her attend-ants at Bruflels. She was much hurt at - the troubles which exifted in Flanders, and, if fhe had pofleffed the means, would moft cheerfully have put an end tQ them; for fhe was daily* hearing liow the Ghent men were ftrengthening themfelves by an alliance with the Englifh, who promifed them great fupport. She alfo faw that her nephew and niece of Burgundy, who were in truth her heirs, and among the greateft princes of the world, as well by their own he-ritages, as by what they had in reversions, were very uneafy at thefe difturbances in Ghent, She knew that duke Albert, regent of Hainault, had two fine fons and two handfome daughters, neither of whom were yet married ; but fhe had . heard that the duke of Lancafter was very de-firous to accomplifh the marriage of his daugh-ter Philippa,, who had been borne to him by the lady Blanche his firft wife, with, the eldeft fon
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