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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.7
page 37
ttmate if fuch a high honour, as to become the queen of France fhould fall to her lot; but the diftance is great from hçnce, and it is a matter of great confideration to attempt the making a queen. I fhould be exceedingly vexed if, after having carried my daughter to France, , (he fhould be returned to me: and I would rather marry her at my leifure, nearer home/ t . ~ Such was the anfwer duke Stephen gave, his brother, with which he was contented : and he wrote the fubftance of it to the uncles of % the king, to his own uncle, duke Albert, and to madame de Brabant, to whom he had commu-nicated the bufinefs on his return home.
They thought he had been too indifferent about it, and had made overtures elfewhere, on the fubject of the king's marriage. . A match .was fhortly after propofed between the king and the daughter of the duke of Lorraine : (lie was a very handfome lady, and nearly of his own age: of high birth, being of the family of Blois. * The duke of Lancaûer's daughter, afterwards queen of Portugal, was alfo talked of, but this could no.t be brought about on account of the war: the affair was therefore at a ftand.
The duchefs of Brabant, when at thefe mar-riages at Cambray, and the king and his court prèfeht, brought this fubject again on the carpet, faying, that AH union with Bavaria was the molt •deirable for the king, on account of the alliances that might be formed with the Germans. * It is fo, indeed,lady,' replied the kings uncles; but
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