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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.7
page 111
and graces. And thofe who njay be in England, Frizeland or Germapy, fhould they, within four months as aforefaid, put themfelves under our obedience, (hall enjoy the like privileges. If fuch ' as may be beyond fea at Rome, or at St. Jago de Compoftella, fhould, within one year from the publication of the peace, without fraud, take the oaths aforefaid, they fhall partake of the fame privileges, and in like manner all thofe banifhed by j udgment • of law, or fuch perfons as may have voluntarily abfented themfelves on account of thé diffenfions ; fhall be reftored to their fiefs, houfes, lands and inheritances according to their fevpraf claims.
Item,—with regard to moveable property, which may have been taken QIJ. both fides, no . reftitution fhall - be made, but ' each party re-main acquitted to each other ; unlefs, indeed, reftitutionsbe made, to difcharge the confidences of thofe who may have taken fuch things.
Item,—thofe now in poffepon pf the houfes which are fo be reftored, as well on one fide as on the other, fhall not carry away any fix-ture whatever 5 and fuch houfes fhall be re-ftored with all their appurtenances and rents which may then be due ; and henceforward all j-ents and profits fhall be collected peaceably by thofe-to whom they legally belong.
Item,—it having been reported to us, that feme of our fubjects of Ghent or their allies, have done homage for fiefs which they hold, tq other lords than to thofe to whom they legally ap? pertain, and by fuch means have forfeited their
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