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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.7
page 263
loyal information concerning us, that _ we may; bejudged legally, as you promifed and fwore to us when you firft entered Santaren as king, and the pofleflion of it and its dependencies devolved and refted on you. You will do an act of cha-rity; and, fmce you are coming thither, we, have that confidence in you and in your council, tft# you will find the gates open. Your poor people, who are crying for redrefs for the injuries they have fuftained, beg your royal majefty will grant them mercy and remiflion of all offences!
The king remained for a while filent, when fir Reginald de Limoufin, kneeling before the king, faid,—c Most dear lord, you have heard the complaints of your fubjects of Santaren, who have laid before you all they have fuffered ; con-descend to give them an anfwer/ c Reginald,* faid the king, cwe fee they have had just caufe for what they did : go, and tell them to rife, and return to Santaren to make ready every thing proper for us, as we fhall fleep there this night, and let them know they fhall be carefully de-fended ill their rights.'
Sir Reginald de Limoufin arofe and went to the deputies from Santaren, bidding them arife : * The king, our lord, has favourably heard all you have faid ; and, understanding you only délire justice, he will fee that it be done to you. Now go, and make ready the town for his re-ception ; and let it be fo well done that he may be plèâfêd, for every thing will turn out as you wifh,* bytlië good aflistance of the friends you Mtkf My lord/ replied they, c we give you
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