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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.7
page 366
and pride as is now done; for which the Lord il wroth, and his anger will be much increafed againii you in times to come. Should the noMet excufe themfelves from giving fupport to the church, and grow cold in their devotions, and, perhaps, retake what they had given, it muft fpeedily be deftroyed.'
Thus fpoke friar John to the cardinals, who were muchaftonifhed thereat, and would willing-ly have put him to death, but they could not find out any juft caufe for it. They fuffered him tc* live, but confined him a clofe prifoner ; for he propofed fuch deep queftions, and examined fo çlofely the Scriptures, that he might perhaps, had he been at liberty, have led the world aftray. However, many things were feen to happen^ which he had foretold in prifon, and which he proved from the apocalypfe. His proofs faved him fometimes from being burnt ; and fome of the cardinals took compaffion on him, and did not opprefs him as much as they might have done.
We will now leave thefe narrations and re-turn to the principal matters of this hiftory, the affairs of Spain, Portugal, France, and Eng~? land, and fay what events were paffing there worthy of being recorded.
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