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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 97
"liai, order your men to retire : we will fubmic ourfelves to the duke and duchefs of Lancafter, on the fame terms as thofe of Corunna and other towns have obtained ; and if you want provifions, you (hall courteoufly haye them from us § but we* will not fuffer any one to enter the town by force xf arms. This is our propofal, and by this we mean to abide/ The marihal was adrifed to an* fwer,—€ I agree to your terms ; but I muft ap-point an able governor, to counfel and defend you, Ihouid there be any need of it/ They anfwered, they would alfo admit of this.
€ Thus Has the treaty concluded ; and, on the affault ceafing,|the army retreated from before it into the plain. The marihal, fir Evan Fitzwarren, fir John Abuurelle*, the loud de Pommiers and fir John d'Ambreticourt entered the town to refreflft themfelves, where they remained the whole day. Thofe without the walls received bread, wine and other prpvifion from the town in abundance.
* After the conqueft of Dighos, where the lords had availed themfelves of the opportunity to refrelh themfelves at their eafe, for it is fituated in a rich country, and had nominated as governor an en-gliih fquire called Thomas Albery, a prudent and valiant man, to whom they gave twelve archers for his defence, they marched from thence, fkirting the mountains and borders of Caftille, towards the* large town of Bayona. When they had advanced
- * I imagine this muft be intended* for fir Hugh lord Burnel.
. Set Dugdale.
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