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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 146
They therefore refolved to march towards the frontiers of Arragon and furprife fome fort, which the king or principal towns would negotiate with them to regain. They fet out, and made for the caftle of Duren*, which they had planned to furprife. This caftle is in the archbifhoprick of Narbonne, between France and ' Arragon, and fituated precifely on the limits of the two king-doms. v . "
They arrived there by night-fall undifcoviered, and, finding it weakly guarded, foon conquered it, to the great difmay of all the country, especially of Perpignan, which is but four leagues diftant from this caftle. ! •
The garrifon from Lourde, this fame week, captured likewife a caftje in Arragon, four leagues from Barcelona, called the old caftle of Roloais, belonging to the vifcountefs of Caftel-bon, coufiut-german to the count de Foix. The lady was much furprifed at this çvent, and went to her coufin, the count de Foix, to beg, for God's fake, he would get her caftle reftored to her ; for thofe who had won it were from his country of Beam. The count, in his anfwer, defired her not to be alarmed ; for that her çaftle had been taken folely to harafs Barcelona from thence, as the archbifhop of Bordeaux was in confinement there for a trifling caufe, and that fhe fhould have it again undamaged. The lady was fatisfied with this anfwer, but kept
* Duren. Q. if not Durban.
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