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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 256
tii&fa-latf; âiïdy turnitig to the duke, frtib looked as pâlé as death, was confirmed fomething was wrong. He faid,—c Ah, my ldrd, for God's faké* what are they doing ? Do dot ufe any violenté againft the ôonïiâble/ * Lord de Laval* mount' yourTiorfé, and go hence, for you may depart wheii you pleafe : I know well what I am about/ * My lord/ repled the lord de Laval, c I will nfcVef de-part without my brother-in-law the cdnftablë/ AT thèfe Words, thé lord de Beaumanoir (whom the duke greatly hated) camé and afked where theCon-ftable was: The diike, drawing his dagger, ad-vanced to him and faid, c Beattmanoir, doft thou* wifh tô bè like thy mafter ?* My lord," replied Beaumanoir, 61 believe my matter cannot but be in a good plight/ è I afk thee again, if thou woutdflf VNFH to be li% him/ ' Yes, my lord/ faid dé Beaumanoir: Thé duke then taking hk dagger by the point, faid,—' Well then, Beaçmanoir^ fincé thou wouldft be like him, thou muft thruft one of thy eyeô out*/ The lord dé Beaumanoir, feeing, from the duke's countenance, things wetc taking i bad turn, caft himfelf on his knee and faid, —4 My lord, I have that bpinion of your honour and n^-bfenefs of mind, chatj if it pleafe God* you will never a& otherwife than right. Wé are at your mercy, and are come hither folely to accompany you, and at your .own requeft : do not therefore
4 Alluding to the conftable having but one eye, ffe loft it at the battle of Au ray flotwithfunding which, he never quitted the field of battle:
R i difhonour
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