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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 286
%tpthed iff. a coat of arms which had belonged té the #i|ke of Lancafter, frying, * Open your ranks, 4$4 n^Jce way for me: I am fent by the marfhal to parley with thefe Bretons/ As he faid this, they vm4& Kpm for hiip to pafs. The baftard d'Aulroy, fee&g him ptjih through the crowd, fot he had obferved from the ramparts what had paffed Wtween him pud the marital* advanced on thç battlements, and, fhewiâg himfelf, f?tid ; * Herald, what is it you waht ? I am fi& of the captains in kbit town, with whom, I fancy, yçu co$e to fpeak/ ? It is fo/ replied the herjddi whofe name was #ercy : c my lord marfhal $ids you come to the tamers, for he is defîro^s |o parley and treat witty you/ M wiido fo/ fidd-^ic baftard, if he will •rder the attack to ceafe and his wen to fetire,-ether wife not/ « I beUeyc you/ anfwered the herald, and returjwd to relate hit aufwer to thç juarfhal. * .
The marfhal called his trumpet, and faicj,* Sound the retreat/ which was done, aid the aflauk ceafed on all ftdes* Upon this, the captains in the town paffed the gates, apd came to the barriers, where Ihey met the jgonffoble, fir John Holland, the mac* 4htl and many others of the gnglifh. -c How, mif &r fire/ &id the marfha}, «can you thick of thus folding w and fuffering yourfeives to be taken by ftorm, by which you may probably be flain, and fo? certain will lofe all. We know well that the townsmen are wy willing to furrender to our lord Md lady, and would long ago have done fo, if you had not beta with them. You may repeat of it { . VW..VIIL T f#r9
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