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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.9
page 164
. 15S . ' '
all the- fubfeqwent events to the tînïe of duke William of Gueldres, fon of the duke of Juliers. •
This duke of Gueldres; finding he could no wayfuoceed in recovering his before-mentioned three cailles on the Meufe, which had been part of his patrimonial inheritance, refolved to fecure himfelf the poffeffion of Grave from the Bra-banters. He had married his baftard-daughtër to the young lord of, Bfuk, who claimed the town of Grave a$ lord paramount. There was anvamicable treaty made between them* fuch as fhould be made when fathers and children are concerned ; and the young lord of Bruk yielded to the duke all his claims on Grave, and the ter-ritories thereto belonging, in the prefencè of the knights of Gueldres and Juliers.
The duke of Gueldres gave him, in return, the town and territory of Breda, fituated on the river Merck, in the duchy of Gueldres, bordering on Holland, below Brabant. It had a handfome caftie : the town was extenfive and of much trade, but Grave was more valuable. The duke had made this exchange to ftrengthen himfelf againft the claim of the Brabanters ; but the duchefs and her fubjects faid, that the lord of Bruk was only mortgagee in •poffeffion, and that flie or her heirs might redeem it whenever they pleafed. . The duke of Gueldres denied thisr, and hence arofe their mutual hatreds and wars. • The Brabanters this year, in the month of May, came with a powerful force of barons* -knights and fquireâ, to lay fiege to the town of Grave. They brought with them fpringalls,
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