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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.1
page 236
to fly out of their hands. They fought friendship from ail, promifed largely to fome,flattered others, where they thought it would have more effeô in gaining their ends. The biihop of Lincoln however, and his companions, afted their part fo well in Ghent, that, by fine fpeeches and otherwife, they acquired thefriendlhip of Jacob von Artaveld, and great favour in the city, particularly with an old knight who lived in Ghent, where he was much beloved: he was called my lord le Courtifien*, was a banneret, and was looked upon as the moil gallant knight and warlike man in all Flanders, who had ferved his lordsright valiantly.
This lord having kept company with the Engliih lords", and much honoured them ; (and every loyal knight ihould honourftrangers ;) he was criminally accufed to the king of France for thefe diftinûions he had paid the Engliih, who inftantly fent an order to the earl of Flanders, commending him by fome means or other to get hold of this knight, and to cut off his head.
The earl, who dared not refufe obedience to this command, managed fo, that Courtilien, coming to the place which he had appointed, was immediately arretted and beheaded. This caufed infinite grief to many, for he was much beloved by the gentry of the country, and it created much ill will againft the earl.
* ** M. de Siger a nobleman of Courtray ; by allufion. to hie lands of Contreflin, commonly ftilcd the lord of Courtefy." . CARTE , vol. ii. p.429,
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