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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.1
page 289
for the king of France in this difaftèr ; but he would not liften to them, and faid he mull confider in what manner he could mod fpeedily revenge himfelf, and burn part of the French territories. When he had remained there fome little time, he returned to Valenciennes, and wrote letters to the knights and prelates, to have their advice what îhould be done under thefe circumftances, and to fummon them to be at Mons by afixed day.
Whenfir John of Hainault, who was at Beaumont, thinking how he could beft revenge the burning of his land, heard thefe things, he mounted his horfe, and came to his nephew, whom he found at la Salle. As foon as-the earl perceived him, he came to meet him, faying, * Fair uncle, your abfence has made the French very proud.' Sir John replied,
* God be praifed! for although I am much vexed at the lofs you have fuftained, yet I cannot help being fomewhat pleafed with what has happened ; for you now fee what return you have had for the love and affiftance you bore to the French :—you mult now make an incurfion upon them on their own grounds/
β Fix upon the place/ faid the earl, € and it ihall be dire&ly undertaken/
When the day of the conference, which was to be holden at Mons, was arrived, all the councils firom the different towns, as well as thofe of Holland and Zealand, were there.
Many propofals were made ; and fome of the barons were for fending perfons properly inftru&ed to the king of France, to demand if he had confented or ordered the invafion and burning of
' Hainault,
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