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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.10
page 11
jhould infringe, or any way break this treaty, or çaufe it to be broken, whatever were his rank, -would be confidered as a traitor, and incur punifh-ment of death. The lord de Coucy had alfo a copy delivered to him, to fliew, if neceflary, to thofe garrifons in Ventadonr, Chaluçet, Orbefi*, Donzachj, who were carrying on war under name of the Englifh, that they might not have any caufe of excufe, and incur the penalty, fhould they con-tinue their warfare.
The lord Lewis de Sancerre, marfhal of France, had it in like manner read to him, and a copy given to him. This was very neceflary ; for he ' was lieutenant over all the country of Languedoc, from the river Rhône and Avignon, within which are many valuable eftates and lordfhips, as far as the Dordogne. His government contained the ' fenefchalfliips of Bèaucaire, Carcaflbne, Touloufe, kopergue, Agen, Quercy, Bigarre, Perigord and Limoges, where were many forts and cailles that • minded not the truce, but continued to carry oft the war, fuch as Châtel-cuillier, and the ftrong caftle of Lourdes, on the frontiers of Beam, which kept the neighbourhood under continual alarms.
About this time, there was a treaty of marriage on foot, between the lord Lewis d'Anjou, fon to the .late duke, who {tiled himfelf king of Naples, Sicily, Jerufalem, and count of Provence, and the daughter of the king of Arragon. The queen
* Orbeii,—Orbeflfan, a village in Armagnac, f Donzach,—a village in Armagnac. .
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