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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.10
page 172
colleôed within this fort, called la Roche de Vandais, to prevent their increafe ia numbers and in wickednefs, and to arret all of them I may be able to lay hold of, that they may fuflfer the pn-nifhment due to their crimes. In confequence, my fair firs, I ihall ftriûly obey the, commands 1 hate received, and loyally acquit myfelf of my duty. Of courfe, therefore, I flail not move from hence for any orders I may receive, until I Ihall have pofieffion of this fort and thegarrifon that now holds out againft me and my com-panions.
« Should Aymerigot Marcel fet up * plea, that I have any way broken the truce* which is équi-valent to a perfcâ peace for the time, let him come forth, and I wfll have him fought with by as good, if not a better, man» than himfelf, and prove that it is he alone who hat, and continue» to violate the articles of the truce. Now, my Mr firs, having maturely weighed every thing* 1 have given you my anfwer, and you may return when you pleafe ; but 1 beg that, on your return* you will neither add to nor diminiih any part of what I have faid to you ; for reporters, by not relating the exaâ words m which any convocation has taken place, do not truly inform their lord* çf the matter.*
* My lord/ replied the fquire, * Derby and* myfelf arte come hither folely to hear what'anfwef you- fliall be .pleafed to make us, and carry it back, and fince yeu have done fot we need not longer remain*9
M% t They
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