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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.10
page 243
de Crefpin, John .Semart, and James Barrier of Valenciennes. Thefe counfellors having fome time debated, and turned the matter over various ways, thought it moft advifable to write to the king of France, and anfwer generally to what he had urged, and demand • art oppoi tunity for fo doing mqre particularly, by perfons that were properly quali-fied, and not by letters. In the mean time, they recommended fending a well-informed meffenger to. duke Albert in Holland, to acquaint him with what was paling, and have his advice.
This was done : they wrote fuch humble and difcreet letters to the king of France and his coun-cil, as greatly pacified them ; and fent thé lord de Traffegnies, the lord de Sancelles, John Semart, and James Barrier to Holland. On being admitted to the count of Holland, they laid before him the fituation of Hainnult, and the letters that had been received from the king of France.
If the count of Holland was not furprifed at. what had happened, it is not to be wondered at; for he replied,—* I was juft thinking that what you tell me would come to pafs : my fon William had no bufinefs to go to England. I have given up to him the government of Hainault : let him advife with the wifeft and mod prudent in that country. Make intereft with our fair coufm, the duke of Burgundy ; for he has the power to fet to rights all this bufinefs. I cannot give you better advice, nor recommend a more fit perfon to addrefs your-felves to/
On this, the envoys returned to Hainault, and
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