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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.10
page 336
ferving that fir Evan and fir Gracien dc Foix, baftard-fons of the late Gallon count de Foix, of' happy memory, have a reafonable (hare of the moveable property and inheritances, of their de-ceased father, according to the difcretion and ad-vice of fir Roger d'Efpaign, the vifçount de Brù-niquel, fir Raymond de Châteauneuf and the lord de-Coraffe, to whom we will write, that they ac-quit themfelves in the matter honourably to- the difcharge of our confcience ; fpr* fome time fince, we made fufch promife to their father. And fhould any demur arife, either on the part of the four knights to whom we have entrufted this bufmefs, or from obftinacy and rebellion on the part of the vifcount de Châteaubon, we annul and declare all treaties we may have entered into void/ and of no effeft. In teftfmony whereof, we have given thefe letters under our feal, in the city of Tours, this 15th day of December, in the 12th year of our reign/ f t
When thefe letters were finilhed to the fatis-faâion of the king, council and ambaffadors, the knights made preparations for their departure ; and, having taken leave, of the king and lords, and paid their expenfes, they fet out from Tours on their return home.
You before heard that. the lord Louis de Sancerre, marfhal of France, was refident in the neighbourhood of Carcaffone, and had been fo a long time, as lieutenant for the king over all thofe countries as far as the Dordogne, The bifhop of Noyon and the lord de la Riviere fent
Y 4 for
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