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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.11
page 63
his honour and deprive him of his office, # They were more defirpys to lay hold, of him than any others of the late miniftry, but he took good carè ' to prevent it. He was wife in fo doing ; for if he had been arretted, every thing was prepared for his execution the moment he fhould be condemned, without the fmalleft hope of mercy, to pleafe his adverfary, the duke of Brittany, who had never % done any good to France.
Whep the regents found he had efcaped, they rçjblved to proceed in a different mariner.. Ir w^s ordered, that he fhould be fummonçd by çhe court of parliament of Paris to appear bçfore and an-fwer fuch charges as fhould be made againft him^ under pain of being dishonoured and banifhed frorn France. «
Commi(Iionçrs yrere fent after him iptp Brittany, by the chamber of parliament, to fummon and ar-reft him. They acquitted themfelves well, fo far as going into Brittany and demanding at all thç towns and caftles belonging to fir Oliver de Cliflbn where he w^s to be found, faying,—c We are fent by the king and council to fpeak with my lord the conftable : tell us how we can fee him, that we may perform our ménage/ * • .
The inhabitants of fhe towns or caftles dependant on the lord de Cliflbn anfwered, as they had been tutored to do,—c Gentlemen, you are very wel-come : if we wanted ' to fpeak yrith out lord the conftable, we tfould go to fuch a place, where we {hould find him without fail/ Thus were the co'm-E 4 • mif-%
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