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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.11
page 120
joyed rficJc wrongfully or not, 1 -fhall not pretend to determine, ibr fuch matters do not belong tome.
The cardinals at Avignon were much furprifed at this event, and refolved to form a conclave in hafte, and eleét one from among themfelves as his fucceffor.
The health of the king of France was again beginning to return, to the great joy of all who loved him, and his good queen, who had been in - great affli&ion. She was a valiant lady, whom God corre&ed and loved : fhe had made many procédions, and given great alms, in hopes of his recovery, in fevcral parts of France, but efpecially in Paris.
The college of cardinals at Avignon, as I was then informed, c^efted pope the cardinal legate de Luna. To fay the truth, he was a devout man, and of a contemplative life s but they had chofen him fubjeét to the approbation of the king of France and his council, otherwife they would not have been able to maintain their eleftion. Con-fider how much the church muft have been de-graded by this fchifm,' when thofe who were, or ought to have been free, thus fubjêfted them-felves to the will of, others, whom they fhould have commanded.
All the folemnities required at the coronation of a pope were paid to the cardinal de Luna, who took the name of Benedift. He offered a general ^ardon to all clergy who fhould come to Avignon j by the advice of his cardinals, wrote letters • " " , to
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