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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.11
page 130
There was no talk of,the king's marrying âgaïhi for he would not hear of it. Although the expe-ditions to Ireland and Aquitaine were delayed by
• the queen's death, thofe lords who were named to go to Ireland did not fail continuing their pre-parations ; and, as their purveyances were ready, they fent them acrofs the fea to Ireland from Brifco* and Lolighetf in Wales ; and the con-duftors were ordered to carry them to a city on the coaft of Ireland, called DimelinJ, which had always been fteadily attached to England, and was an archbifhoprick : the archbilhop of which place was with the king. ^ '
Soon after Saint John Baptift's day, king Ri-chard left London, and took the road for Wales, amufing himfelf by hunting on the way, to forget the lofs of his queen. Thofe ordered to attend
^ him began their journey, fuch as his two uncles - of York and Glocefter, with grand -array, as did the other lords : the earl. of Kent, half broher ' to the king, fir Thomas Holland, his fon the earl
. of Rutland, fon to the duke of York, the earl mârihaï, the earls of Salifbury and Arundel, fir William Arundel, the earl of Northumberland, fir Thomas Percy his brother, high ftetfard ôf Eng-land/ the earls of Devonshire and Nottingham, with numbers of knights, .and fqukes.
A confiderable body remained at home to guard the borders of Scotland -, for the Scots are
• Brifco* Iriftd. .
f Loiighet. Holyhead. , '
X Qimclen. ' Dublin.
- • a wicked
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