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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.11
page 132
who, like his predeeefiors held lands in that country, but they were difputed, and he had made fimilar preparations to his anceftors.
The earl marfhal had the command of the van, confiftingof fifteen hundred lances and two thou-fand archers, who prudently and valiandy con-duced themfelves. King Richard.and his nodes embarked at Haverford in Wales, many at Holy-head, and others at Briftol, and the whole landed without any lofs. As they difcmbarked, by orders from the conftable and marshals, they quartered themfelves on the country, occupying a large un-inhabited traft, of about thirty Englifh miles, be-fide the city of Dublin. The army lodged them-felves prudently for fear of the Irifh: had they done other wife, they would have ' fuflfcjed for • it. The king, his uncles and prelates, were quartered in Dublin and near itj and I was told that, during the whole campaign, they were well fupplied with all.forts of provifion; £or the Englifh are ex-pert in war, and know weH how to «fcrage and take proper care of themfelves and horfes. I will relate the hrftory of this campaign of king Richard, and what befel hip, ' according to the information I received. • •
7f, ^lT^mir.
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