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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.11
page 166
attacked by the archers, whofe arrows they could not withftand, for they arc not armed againft them, that they foon retreated. The earl purfued them, and I, who was well mounted, kept clofe by him : it chanced that in this purfuit my horfe took fright, and ran away with me, in fpite of all my efforts, into the midft of the enemy. ' My friends could never overtake me; and, in pafling through the Irifh, one of them, by a great feat of agility, leaped on the back of my horfe, and held me tight with both his arms, but did me no harm with lance or knife. He preffed my horfe for-ward for more than two hours, and conduced.him to a large bufh, in a very retired fpot, where he found his companions who had run thither to efcape the Englifh.
€ He feemed much rejoiced to have made me his prifoner, and carried me to his houfe, which was ftrông, and in a town furrounded with wood, palifades and ftâgnant water : the name of this town was Herpelin*., The gentleman who had taken me was called Brin Cofteretf, a very hand-fome man. I have frequently made inquiries after him, and hear that he is ftill alive, but very old. This Bryan Cofteret kept me with him feven years, and gave me his daughter in marriage, by whom I have two girls. I will tell you how I obtained my liberty. It happened in the feventh year of my captivity, that one of their kings, Arthur Mac-
• Herpelin. in MSS. Herpelepia. f Brin Cofteret. Q^Bryta Cofteret.
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