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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.11
page 220
Nothing wis fpared in the preparations for die
ybung John of Burgundy with regard to horfes, armour* emblazonments, ircics, filler and gold
plate, and the duke's officers were (idly employed in the bufinefs. Large funis of florins were given to the ferrants of John of Burgundy, who paid them to the dflcrrot workmen as they finifhed and brought henné their works. The barons, knights and fquires, to do him honour, exerted fhcmfclwcs m make their equipments as haedfoinc as poffiblc.
The lord Philip d'Artois, count d'Eu, made
magnificent preparations i for he was deirrmincd m march thither as conftabk of France ; and the king, who much loved him, affiicd him with money, and he afted in the fame manner with rcfpeét to the lord Boucicaut, marihal of France. • The duke of Burgundy, confidcring that this ex-pedition would coft him very large funis, and that the ftate of his wife, himfelf and his fen Anthony, ought not to be any way ditninifhed, bethought himfelf of a tax he had in refêrve, in order to find a fupply of money for thefe cxpenfes. He had received from cities and towns in Burgundy, as the ufual tax on his eldeft fon receiving the order of knighthood, fix fcore thoufand golden crowns : but his additional tax was laid on all knights who held fiefs from him, to attend Ms fon into Hun-gary, or compound in money. Some were taxed at one thoufand livres, others at two thoufand ; feme at five hundred ; each according to his
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