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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.11
page 231
prince of Tarenmm* and John of Blois, more commonly called John of Brittany, cojunt de Pen-thievre and Limoges, the dukes of Orleans, Berry, Burgundy and Bourbon, the count de Brianne and the bifhop of Laon, whom the queen had brought before the cctirt on the fubjeft of her claim on the county of Roufly. Sir Peter de Craon was likewife there, attended by many of his relations and friends.
The matter of the county of Roufly was firft difpofed of; and the judgment of the court was folemnly pronounced, that the county fhould belong to the count de Brianne and to his heirs, who was to have immediate pofTefiîon given him ; but the queen of Naples was to be repaid in' money the full amount of what her late lord, the duke of Anjou, had given to the countefs of Roufly, lately çteccafed. The heirs of the coun-tefs of Roufly, to whom the lands . belonged, thanked the court for the judgment they had given. • -
The prefident, who was to declare the fentence in the fécond caufe, now rofe, and faid, * the par-liament had determined that - fir Peter de Craon was indebted to the queen of Naples in the fum of one hundred thoufand francs, which he muft pay to her, or be committed to prifon until it was done completely to her fatisfa&ion.* The queen thanked the court for their judgment, and, inftantly, on her requeft, fir Peter dc Craon was arretted, in the king's name, and carried to the prifon of the Louvre, where he was confined and well guarded.
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