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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.11
page 233
forent treaties figned and fealcd, the ambaflkdars took their leave of the king and his court, and de-parted from Paris to Calais, on their return to England, where they were joyfully received by the king, the duke of Lancafter, and the lords at-tached to the king's pcrfon and pleafures.
However much others might be pleafed, it was not fo with the duke of Gloceftef ; for he faw plainly that by this marriage peace would be efta* blifhed between the two kingdoms, which fortly difpleafed him, uniefs it fhould be fuch a peace as would redound to the honour of England, and every thing were placed on the fame footing as when the war broke out in - Gafcony. He fre-quently converfed on this fubject with his brother the duke of York, and, whenever the occafion was favourable, endeavoured to draw him over to his way of thinking, for he was but of weak un-derftanding. He dared not fpeak fo,freely to his elder brother of Lancafter, who was of the king's party, and well fatisfied with this marriage, on ac-count of his two daughters the Queens of CpftiU* and Portugal.
At this period, the duke of Lancafter married his third wife, the daughter of a Hainault knight, called fir Paon de Ruet : he had formerly been one of the knights ' to the good and noble queen Phi-lippe of England, who much loved the Hainaulterg, as Ihe was herfelf of that country.
This lady whom the duke of Lancafte* ftiamed was called Catherine, ahd in her youth had been of the houfehold of the duchefs Blanche of Lancafter.
fm. XI. ' # ' After
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