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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.11
page 269
which was. replaced by one of filvar that was fattened by a filken cord tied round his head. This force arrived at Enchuyfen in proper time.
To be more particular in this matter, I muft fay that I was informed duke Albert held many confutations with his fon, the count d'Oftrcvant,. and they called into their councils a noble and valiant fquire, named William .de Croembourg*, who earneftly exhorted them to the war, for he mortally hated the Frieflanders. He had done them fome mifchicf, and did them much more, as you (hall hear.
Duke Albert of Bavaria fet put from the Hague incompany with his fon the count d'Oftrevant, for Hainault, and convened the ftates of that country at Mons, who readily obeyed the fummons of their lord- He laid before them his wifh to in-vade1 Friefland, and remonftratcd on hU right to do fo, and the lawful claim he had on it. In proof of this, he had read to them certain let-ters patent, apoflolical and imperial, authentically fealed with lead and gold, which evidently fheWed his right over that country. The duke addrelTed the meeting,—-f My lords, and valiant men our iubjcfts, you know that every one ought to guard and defend his inheritance, and that man, in the defence of himfeif or country, has a right to make war. You knowalfo, that the Frieilanders ought to acknowledge themfelves our fubje&s» but
• Croembourg.—Ia my MS. Croemcboarc. Mafeum MS. Curembourchu •
' S 4 • f%f
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