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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.11
page 271
'requeft of his* lord, duke Albert of Bavaria, fo eloquendy, that he and his council promifed the affiftancc he required. The duke of Burgundy was urgent for its being granted, becaufe his dauglw ter having married the duke's fon, he thought, if the expedition were fuccefsful, it would be for the advantage of the •count d-Oftrevant.
Many of the great barons difapproved of it, and fpoke againft it, faying,—'How can thefe Hainaulters come hither to folicit aid from our king, when they have already been to afk the fame from the Englifh I Have we not lately feen that the count d'Oftrfcvant has accepted of the order of the Garter, which is the Englifh device ? Has he fliewn, by fo doing, any very great af-feétion for France ?' But others, who were better informed replied,—c My fair firs, you are wrong to talk thus : - if the count d?Oftrevaet has accepted the Garter, it was not -to ally himfelf with Eng-land ; for he is too ftrongly connected with the French. Is it not true that he has married the lady Catherine, daughter to the duke of Burgundy ? and is not this a better and more valuable alliance than the blue Garter ? Never, therefore, fay that he will not prefer doing fcrviccs to the French ra-ther than to the Englifh. The king will honour hitpfelf and exalt the French name, if he give him the aid he has been wifely advifed to afford/
Thus did the French converfe on thefe mat-tçrs, which made a great noife in France, * for nothing was talked of but the deejds of arms that fvere to be performed in Hungary or Turkey
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