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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.11
page 282
and Hainaulters, they killed while in their
• The lord William de Cruembourg, and his two fons, John and Henry, who had that morning been knighted, acquitted themfelves gallantly, and were the moft aftive in (laying the Frieflanders, fhewing clearly they loved them not. • To con-clude, the Frieflanders were completely defeated, and the greater part killed : fome few were made prifoners, and about fifty carried to the Hague, where they remained a long time.
The lord of Kuynder, who was the lord of the town where duke Albert had landed,, had furren-dered himfelf to the duke on the Monday/and himfelf and two fons were in the battale againft the Frieflanders* They lived afterwards under the protection of duke Albert and his fon count Wil-liam.
After this defeat, the Hainaulters, Hollanders, . Zealanders, French and Englifh quartered them-felves about Kuynder, and took feveral towns and caftles ; but their capturés were inconflderable, for the Frieflanders did them much harm by am-bufcades and fkirmifhes. If they made any pri-foners, they had no ranfom to offer ; and it wss feldom they would furrender, but fought until they were flain, faying they prefcrcd death and liberty to being under the fubje&ion of any lord whatever. Their friends or relations never brought spy ranfoms for thofe who were taken, but left .them tQ die in prifon. The Frieflanders offered :lkm primers in exchange, man for man; but,
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