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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.11
page 299
¥lic bànrter of the Virgin Mafy was unfurled, and the guard of it given to that valiant knight fir John de Vienne* admiral of France; The French were fo eager tb arm themfelves that they were, the firft in the ftcldj drawn1 dp in handfome -array,, and feepiingly fearlefs of the Turks i for they wert ignorant of their irrtmertfe numbers* and that Ba* jazet commanded in perfohv • '
As the French lords were haftenittg from their tents to the field, the marfhal of the king df Hun-gary, named flr Henry d'Ôftenlemhalle*, mounted On a handfome courier* came to them with few at*» tendants; He Was & valiant and experienced knight, and had borne before him a pennon of his arms, which were a cirofs anchored fable on a field ar-gent, which in heraldry is called fcrofs mohrte. He ftoppédi when opptofite the banner of bur Lady, Where the principal lords were aflembled, and faid aloud,—' î am fent hither by my lord, the king ofv Hungary, who entreats yoli by me, that you will hot begin the battle before yoli fhall again hear from him ; for he miich fufpefts and fears that the fcouts have not brought exatt intelligence of the numbers of the Turks. Within two- hours you Ihall have more certain intelligence, for we have fent dthcl* fcouts, who will advance farther than the former ones, and bring us better information. ' Be afluredxhe TurksVill never attack you, unkfs you force them to it, or until they have colleftçd all their forces together. Youwill adtasyou fhall think
• MSS. SteulemchaUe.
U 4 ' beft,
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