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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.11
page 347
cefter had. ordered many fevere and hafty execu-tions in England, and, without any tide of rcafon* or jufticc, had caufed that prudent and gallant knight fir Simon Burley to be beheaded, with many others of the king's council. f
This duke likewife caufed the baniihment of the archbi/hop of York and the duke of Ireland from England, notwithftanding the confidence the king repofed in them, accusing them of giving evil Coun-fcl to the king, keeping him under their govern-ance, and wafting the revenues of the kingdom on themfelves. The duke of Glocefter's two bro-thers of Lancafter and York refided generally with the king : he was jealous of them, and faid to fe-veral (fuch as Robert* bifhop of London and others) who went ' to vifit him at * his caftle of Plefhy, that his brothers were too expenlive to the king, and that it would be mora decent for them to live at th eir own houfes. The duke gained, by every pofllble means, the love of the Lcn-doners; for he thought, If he acquired popularity with them, the reft of England would follow their example. The duke had a nephew, fon to his bro-ther Lionel, duke of Clarence, who had married the daughter of Galeas, lord of Milan, and died at Afti in Piedmont. The duke of Gloccfter would gladly have feen his nephew, called John earl of
• • Robert Braybrook, who fucceeded Coartnay, on his tranf-lation to Canterbury* 1381» and died 1404.» having been chan-cellor of England fcarcely fix months.
Gougb's PUJhy, note, p. 59.
2 4 March,
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