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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.11
page 373
, father, hat he lived mt Jtapg- to enjoy it. Qp his de^th, the Gcnoefe brought back James, wi|gp they had crowned king, and he has -xttçped f v^ fince in Cyprus, through the fupgqrt the fqf^ppff . give him againft all n^Qjps. . . .
. They would never give up pQljfeJfion of the tfwn or por* of Eamagoufta, and are the maftcr^ jof - it at this prefent moment of my WÂihg ,thefe chronicles. Indeed, had the Gcnoefe ijot held it, the Turks and Infidels would h^ve çonquejed thp •whole of the ifland, as well as Rhodes and thç •other adjacent iûapds s but the Venetians jipd Ger noefe are their great opponents. Wfcen the la^b law that the kingdom of Armenia was conquer^ by the Turks, they feized the .town of Courch, that is fituated on the fea-ftiore, which they have Jccpt under .their governance. The Turks, werp they not fearful of Cpwch and Peja, near Con-stantinople, woyld dp the greateft .mifchief to all who navigate thofe feas, u well as to Rhodes the neighboring iflands. -
It is by thefe nutans .the frontiers of Chriftepdqip •are defended -, hut let w return to king jape of Cyprus. When he found, from the bale crime tje ~ had -been guilty of, he was fallen under the dif-pleafure and hatred of every crowned head, fije exerted himfelf to the utmoft to recover their fa-vour, and thought himfelf highly honoured by the Jet$er the kpgof prance |ad written to tym. Ifc was afraid of him, and not without reafqfl, fpr tfce duke pf Boprbon, uncle to the king of Françj^, was, by right of fucce^fion throi^h the ^u^pgn^,
VOL. XL B b ' ' the
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