Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.12
page 245
villç,. IV. j^,—lfcip«' tek EQglaaii
Chaumont, the hermit, taken prifoner lcmo-randn by the prince of Wales, H. 300*
Chqyvigny, dw Ifrd of, take», prifoner by the . prince of Wajes, IL 304.—quits the partj of th& prince of Walçs for that of the king ctf France, III, 43.81
Gbçmigny* the: towft of, in Potov* taken by fir Bertrand du Guefclin, IV. 173* •
Cherbourg* the tpwn of, burnt and pillaged by Edward the Third, II- 128.—ifeifged by fir Bertrand du Guefclin, IV. 293.
Chimay, the town o£ pillaged by the French, I. • 167.
Civrqy, the town of, in Poitoy, taken by fir Ber-trand du Guefclin, IV. 213.
Civray, the battle of, IV. 212.
Clement the Sixth, pope, dies at Avignon, It 273. .
Clement the Sfivenik, pope, elc&ed during dip life-time of Urban the Sixth, which caufes a fchifm in the church, V. 80.—Is acknow-ledged by the king of France, &£. 82.— Goes to Avignon, 91.—Prcfents the duke of Anjou with the territories.of the queen of Naples,.which fhe had given up to his difpo&l, 91,—Dies at Avignon, XI. 111.
Clermont, the town of, in Beauvoifis, takçnby the • captai of Bach, H; 424.
» Clermont,